Who are we?…

I am so pleased to finally share a small piece of my journey with you and I hope it can help give guidance and inspiration for you to dig deeper into who you are and why you are here, everyone has a journey and understanding the journey can help make our futures easier, can make the future brighter, can help with understanding ourselves better. The journey to self discovery is what we came here to do. If you feel called to start your journey or share your journey please do it, don’t hesitate.

How did I come to be here?

Who am I?

I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a warrior, a women trying to balance work, my soul contract, motherhood and keep up with life admin, housework….I love my life, I love my family, my friends, I love to read books, to write poetry, to sing, to dance, to laugh and to explore. BUT that is not all that I am, that is not my only existence, this life I live now is just part of a long complex journey. Like so many others, we have been here time and time again in many different forms, weaving many different tethers in the forever expanding universe. Our souls are beyond old but our minds and bodies in this life are young, new, learning and trying to remember, trying to understand, trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together. The knowing of something much more. Do you feel this? But unsure what it is? I believe it’s the connection between the mind, the body and the soul being out of alignment. I know from my experience once these three start to work in connecting with each other, the rest flows beautifully. The truth starts to slowly but surely open up and things start to make a little bit more sense.

Write down how you identify in this life…

Who are you? What makes you happy?

These questions help us to navigate our coding in this life.

Now write down what sets you apart from others around you?

What gifts do you see in yourself?

Do you suffer with a random pain in your body that hasn’t been from any trauma in this life? Our body can manifest pain from our soul’s past lives. When you can identify this, you are able to release it.

I like to think of it this way, the human brain is like a computer system, the body is the machine, and the soul is the energy. If one doesn’t function the other can’t function. If we can connect all three in the serve (Mother Earth) then we can heal, understand and see.

The soul is the energy, from the great pool of infinite wisdom, it is part of life itself . All life is energy, all energy is a form of matter, frequency, light and sounds. It is the foundation of planets, stars, space, nature….the soul can’t die, it journeys from places, dimensions, timelines, and the mind to all the universal wisdom and knowledge.

You know the saying you're an ‘old soul’ or "‘Your wiser beyond your years’…it’s because you are, your energy existed before human life itself existed!

So our souls (the infinite energy), is actually the bridge, the gateway to infinite knowledge, wisdom, unconditional love and to our light beings. It is what connects us to each other, its what connects us to the energy around us, the trees, the plants, the wildlife, the moon…. its pure infinite love and light.

So how can people remember a past life?….well think of the soul energy as ‘the cloud’…when your making memories you brain and soul are working together to upload it to a higher energy, which stores and holds all the archives of information, memories, history. Then its all about tapping back in to ‘the cloud’ to remember, some actually never leave the cloud when they reincarnated and remain connected and remember from a very young age, while others it can take years to remember and some might never tap back in at all. If you do tap back in, the information that’s meant for you will find you and the amnesia will start to disappear.

Once the truth has been shown to you, its hard to forget. 

It’s no coincidence that over thousands of years we have seen time and time again, mediums, shamans, light workers, healers, beings of all forms all able to work with an energy source beyond the human eye, healing, seeing visions, communicating with a higher source. There has been countless times through the ages of this, even high profiles such as kings and royalist throughout history had oracles (Seers) by their side for guidance and council.

But I believe all beings are healers and have the ability to heal themselves. Everyone is equal, we are all pulling from the same universal energy. There is no ladder of success in the energy realm, its just we are all uniquely different and weave it differently.

So what do you remember?….message me you thoughts on this.


A new chapter…

