A new chapter…

Sometimes unlocking ourselves, unpinning all those layers, reveals what has been there all along.

Since I can remember I have known something was different, I would see auras, colours, feel energy from people, places and things I couldn’t see, I would get deja vu frequently and have vivid dreams, I put it down to me being ‘odd’ and felt I needed to hide this from the world. I just wanted to fit in, have friends, have a career, live a ‘normal’ life…. But what even is normal?

I would often get distracted in school, I find it funny now but at the time I would get frustrated at myself…I would get told to pay attention but my wondering mind would disappear into another realm. Now I think it’s the most incredible thing, I had the ability to not pay attention. We are not robots, we were not made to sit in a classroom 6 hours a day and be talked at. So I thank my inner child for being distracted, if you can relate to this. Thank your inner child also. Be proud.

We are absolutely not here to fit in, its actually not normal to be normal, because we are not built to be mirror images of each other. We are here to be authentic, to be our true selves sharing our wonderful unique gifts amongst each other.

It is time to remember. It’s time to shine.

Our love is eternal, we are infinite energy and it’s ok to step into our power.


Who are we?…